Part 1: The life of Jesus
A – Introduction to the New Testament
- 01 The Gospels, topic and author
Matthew and John
- 02 The Gospels, topic and author
Mark and Luke
B – Jesus’ Birth and Childhood
C – The 1st year of his ministry
Jesus chooses his disciples
1. Passover– Jesus visits Jerusalem fort he first time during his ministry
D – The 2nd year of his ministry
2nd Passover- Jesus visits Jerusalem for a second time
The sermon on the mount
Jesus does miracles
E – The 3rd year of his ministry
Jesus teaches – lessons and parables
- 01 The parable of the watchful servant
- 02 Wheat and weed,
the parable of the fishing net,
the parable of the mustard seed
- 03 The hidden treasure,
the parable of the pearl,
the unfruitful fig tree
- 04 The lost sheep
- 05 The parable of the unmerciful servant
- 06 The good Samaritan
- 07 The parable of the big banquet
- 08 The parable of the lost coin
- 09 The prodigal son
- 10 The parable of the shrewd manager
- 11 The rich man and Lazarus
- 12 The parable of the workers in the vineyard
Jesus teaches – through his life and deeds
3. Passover – Jesus visits Jerusalem for the third time
- 15 Jesus teaches about inner purity,
the faith of a Syrophoenician woman,
Jesus heals a deaf and mute man
- 16 Jesus feeds the 4000
- 17 Jesus heals a blind man at Bethsaida
- 18 Peter’s profession of faith and is mission
- 19 topic: God’s glory– The Transfiguration
- 20 Healing of a possessed man
Jesus pays taxes
- 21 children: the greatest in the kingdom of heaven
- 22 topic: Jesus’ follower– The sending out of the 72 desciples
- 23 topic: Gratitude: Ten lepers are healed
- 24 Sukkot: Jesus goes to the festival of tabernacles,
the adulterous woman
- 25 Jesus visits Mary and Martha
- 26 Healing of a man born blind
- 27 The resurrection of Lazarus
- 28 Jesus heals a crippled woman on the Sabbath
- 29 The rich young man
- 30 Zacchaeus
- 31 Blind Bartimaeus
F – The final days of Jesus
4. Passover – Jesus visits Jerusalem for the last time
- 01 The triumphal entry into Jerusalem
- 02 Jesus cleans out the temple (for the second time)
Tuesday and Wednesday
- 03 Jesus teaches – The parable of the evil tenants
- 04 Argument with the Pharisees about the imperial tax to Caesar
- 05 A warning against hypocrisy
Tears over Jerusalem
- 06 Jesus teaches – the prophetic message on the Mount of Olives
- 07 Jesus teaches – the ten virgins
- 08 Jesus teaches – the parable of the golden coins
- 09 Jesus teaches – the final judgement
The night from Thursday to Friday
- 16 In the house of the high priest
Peter denies Jesus
- 17 Jesus at court
- 19 Jesus’ resurrection
- 20 Jesus appears to Marya Magdalene
- 21 The desciples on their way to Emmaus
- 22 Jesus and Thomas
What happened after the resurrection
- 23 Jesus and the miraculous catch of fish
- 24 Jesus descends into heaven
This list with Bible passages as a PDF