A – Introduction into the old testament
B – The Origin of humanity
C – The Patriarchs
- 11 Isaac in Philistine territory
- 12 Isaac blesses Jacob and Esau
D – Moses
The calling
Moses and the Pharaoh
Moses and the pact on mount Sinai
- 07 Israel in the desert
- 08 Water from a rock – Amalek fights Israel
- 09 God speaks to Moses on Mt. Sinai
- 10 The golden calf
- 11 The ten commandments I
- 12 The ten commandments II
- The Tabernacle
- 13 (courtyard, door, curtain)
- 14 (Bronze altar, Bronze basin, Cover)
- 15 (The Holy place)
- 16 (The Most Holy place)
- 17 Moses sees Gods glory
Moses and the travel through the desert
- 18 Moses sends spies to Canaan
- 19 Aarons staff sprouts and blossoms
- 20 The bronze snake
- 21 Balaam’s donkey
- 22 Moses sees the promised land
E – Joshua, Judges, Ruth
- 01 Joshua’s calling
- 02 Rahab and the scarlet rope
- 03 The great victory
- 04 Achan’s sin and its consequence
- 05 The destruction of Ai
- 06 a Gibeonites trick Joshua
b Further conquests
F – 1. & 2. Samuel
- 01 Anna & Samuel
- 02 Samuel’s calling
- 03 The Philistines and the Ark
- 04 Saul is chosen as King
- 05 Saul’s reign
- 06 Saul gets rejected
- 07 David’s anointing
- 08 Psalm 23: The Lord is my shepherd
- 09 David and Goliath
- 10 David and Jonathan
- 11 David and Saul
- 12 David and Abigail
- 13 David spares Saul’s life (for the second time)
- 14 Saul’s defeat and death
- 15 David and the Philistines – Victory over Amalek
- 16 David, King of Judah
- 17 War in Israel – Joab
- 18 The end of Saul’s family
- 19 David, King of Israel
- 20 Psalm 18: What a great God!
- 21 Psalm 139: God knows us
- 22 The Ark is brought to Jerusalem
- 23 God’s promise to David & David’s prayer
- 24 David and Mephibosheth
- 25 David and Bathsheba
- 26 Psalms 51 & 32: David and his sin
- 27 David and Absalom
- 28 Preparations for the Temple
G – Kings & Prophets I – from Solomon until Elisha
- 01 Solomon becomes king
- 02 Solomon asks for wisdom
- 03 Proverbs: lessons of wisdom I
- 04 Proverbs: lessons of wisdom II
- 05 Building the Temple
- 06 The dedication of the Temple – God’s warning to Solomon
- 07 King Solomon and the queen of Sheba
- 08 Solomon’ sin
- 09 Rehoboam splits the kingdom
- 10 Asa King of Judah
- 11 Ahab Kingd of Israel
- 12 Elijah and God’s providence (ravens, widow of Zarephath)
- 13 Elijah defeats Baal’s prophets
- 14 Elijah is scared
- 15 Ahab vs. Naboth
- 16 The alliance between Ahab und Jehoshafat
- 17 Jehoshaphat King of Judah
- 18 Victory – praise God!
H – Kings & Prophets II – from Jehoash until Jeremia
The time of Jonah
The time of Isaiah
- 05 The call of Isaiah
- 06 Israel falls to Assyria
- 07 Hezekiah King of Judah
- 08 Sennacherib vs. Jerusalem
- 09 Hezekiah’s Illness and cure
- 10 topic: Prophecies about Jesus
- 11 Isaiah 40: God is our comforter
- 12 Isaiah 53: Jesus suffers for us
- 13 Micah
The Last Years of the Kingdom of Judah
- 14 Manasseh King of Judah
- 15 Josiah King of Judah
- 16 Spiritual renewal
- 17 Prophecies against Nineveh
Jeremiah and the destruction of Jerusalem
- 18 The calling of Jeremiah
- 19 The potter’s vase
- 20 The hunt for Jeremiah
- 21 Persecution of prophets
- 22 Jeremiah vs. Hananiah
- 23 Jeremiah’s scrolls are read and burned
- 24 Jeremiah vs. Zedekiah
- 25Jerusalem is taken – 1st. group of people taken captives
- 26 King Joachim, Ezekiel’s calling – 2nd. group of people taken captives
- 27 Jerusalem is destroyed
- 28 Jerusalem after its destruction
- 29 Mourning over Jerusalem
- 30 Jeremiah in Egypt
I – The Exile
Back in Jerusalem
- 10 Return to Jerusalem
- 11 Rebuilding the Altar
- 12 Opposition to the rebuilding of the Temple
- 13 Encouragement to build the Temple
- 14 Zachariah heartens Josua
- 15 Encouragement for Zerubbabel
- 16 Prophecies about Israel’s future
- 17 Prophecies about the Messiah
- 18 God leads the rulers
- 19 Completion and dedication of the Temple
J – The Post-Exilic Period
- 01 Queen Vashti is deposed
- 02 Esther, an dazzling
- 03 Mordecai
- 04 Haman’s plot to destroy the Jews
- 05 Esther’s greatest challenge
- 06 Haman vs. Mordecai
- 07 Victory over Haman’s evil plan
- 08 Purim
- 09 Ezra the Scribe
- 10 Ezra’s return to Jerusalem
- 11 Ezra’s prayer
- 12 Spiritual renewal
- 13 Nehemiah gets terrible news
- 14 Nehemiah and King Artaxerxes
- 15 Nehemia arrives in Jerusalem
- 16 Teamwork – rebuilding of the wall
- 17 Sanballat Opposes the Reconstruction
- 18 Nehemiah defends the poor
- 19 Diversions and Conspiracies
- 20 Nehemiah finishes the wall
- 21 Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles
- 22 The renewal of the convenant
- 23 Celebration of the completed wall
- 24 Israel – Laws for a holy people/ Nehemiah’s reform’s
- 25 Malachi’s Message
This list with Bible passages as PDF